NY Times: Facebook Set to Create Privacy Positions as Part of F.T.C. Settlement
CNET: Photographers fret as Adobe tests removing $10 Lightroom-Photoshop plan
Ars Technica: Putin signs “Internet sovereignty” bill that expands censorship
NY Times: Facebook Set to Create Privacy Positions as Part of F.T.C. Settlement
CNET: Photographers fret as Adobe tests removing $10 Lightroom-Photoshop plan
Ars Technica: Putin signs “Internet sovereignty” bill that expands censorship
NY Times: Facebook Unveils Redesign as It Tries to Move Past Privacy Scandals
The Verge: Google employees are planning a May 1st sit-in to protest retaliation
Ars Technica: Zero-day attackers deliver a double dose of ransomware—no clicking required
CNET: Cloud database removed after exposing details on 80 million US households
CNET: Spotify hits 100 million subscribers, lapping Apple Music
Engadget: The cameras YouTubers love
NY Times: Regulators Around the World Are Circling Facebook
CNET: Apple, App Store again face accusations of anticompetitive behavior
The Verge: The NYT investigates China’s surveillance-state exports
25) Sourcery by Terry Pratchett (April 25, 2019)
EdTech: Google Creates Online IT Certificate for Higher Education
CNET: The universe is expanding faster than we thought, and no one knows why
The Verge: How Amazon automatically tracks and fires warehouse workers for ‘productivity’
Ars Technica: Amazon plans to make Prime shipping one-day by default
NY Times: Facebook Expects to Be Fined Up to $5 Billion by F.T.C. Over Privacy Issues
NY Times: You Can’t Stop Robocalls. You Shouldn’t Have To.
NY Times: Sliding Backward on Tech? There Are Benefits
The Verge: When can we finally get rid of passwords?
NY Times: The Must-Have When Reporting on Disasters: A Satellite Phone
CNET: Microsoft rejected facial recognition sales out of concern about misuse
CNET: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez quits Facebook, says social media is a health risk
The Verge: US facial recognition will cover 97 percent of departing airline passengers within four years
Engadget: NASA finally found evidence of the universe’s earliest molecule