
Tedtalks SplashIf you haven't had the chance to watch any of the videos yet, be sure to take a look at TEDTalks.  TED is an acronym for Technology, Entertainment and Design.  It seems to be a very exclusive conference, but this year they're sharing some of their content on the internet.  So far I've watched Al Gore, David Pogue and Tony Robbins and they've all been great.

Al Gore is doing a follow up to an earlier presentation at the conference.  I think that presentation is much like the one I've heard about in An Inconvenient Truth.  In the presentation he discusses what each of us can do to make things better while we're waiting for the government to catch on.  David Pogue talks about software design.  My favor

ite part is when he explains the difference between Microsoft and Apple in software design.  Tony Robbins was surprisingly interesting, even if he didn't have enough time to cover his material.

Next I'm going to watch Sir Ken Robinson on education.  If it's anything like the first three presentations, I'm sure it will be great.

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